Our Appointment System

Patient Triage 

Each day there are different types of appointments available:

  • Bookable in advance – Some appointments are released each day for 3 working days time as well as some can be booked up to 6 weeks in advance – a new week of these appointments are released weekly.
  • Book on the day (non-urgent) – a limited number are released at 8am each day.
  • Clinically urgent on the day – appointment with the Duty Doctor.

Should you require an appointment the same day, but it is not urgent, please call at 8am. Once these appointments are filled you maybe offered an appointment for a few days time, otherwise you will need to call again the next day at 8am. Should you have a clinically urgent need for an appointment the same day, you will be added to the Duty Doctor list for an initial telephone consultation – and if deemed necessary, invited in for a Face to Face appointment.


To book a telephone appointment, please call us at 8am on 0117 973 1201 

Online Consultations

Alternatively, you could try using our online consultation tool . This allows patients to submit non-urgent medical or admin queries. This will be read by a member of the team within 3 working days.

Submit an online consultation

Extended Access Appointments

Working within our current staffing capacity we are doing our best to ensure that you have access to additional appointments outside of these hours.  As a result you may be offered an early morning or evening appointment. If this is something you would prefer please ask about availability when booking an appointment