Self-Care Centre


Welcome to our self-care centre.  Here you will find both local health information and NHS content and a selection of tools for health checks.

What is self care?

The Self Care Forum’s definition of Self Care is:

"The actions that individuals take for themselves, on behalf of and with others in order to develop, protect, maintain and improve their health, wellbeing or wellness"  - (Self Care Forum, UK)

Self care is about looking after yourself in a healthy way. It can be anything from brushing your teeth, doing some exercise, managing common conditions (like headaches, colds and flu) or living with a long-term health problem, such as asthma or diabetes.

As a Self Care Aware practice we are here to help you feel able to look after your own health when it is right for you. So, when you come in for a consultation, the doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants in this practice will talk to you about what you can do to help maintain and improve your health.

Self Care means taking your health into your own hands.

Self-Care Resources

For more information on how you can self care, please see the sections below.


Health Check Calculators


Simple Tips for Self Care

  • Get active; advice is to exercise for at least twenty minutes a day, it’s ideal if you can incorporate this into your day by ditching the car and walking to work, or walking the dog, taking the stairs or even dancing around the kitchen table to your favourite songs!
  • Eat well. We all know that healthy eating is crucial to our health so we can start by swapping unhealthy snacks for healthy options such as nuts, seeds and fruit. Ask your pharmacist for advice on managing your weight.
  • Make positive changes! Take steps to stop those bad habits that don’t serve you well.  This Self Care Week make a plan to stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake and get active! Your pharmacist can help with lifestyle changes such as weight management and stop smoking services.
  • Rest.  A good’s night’s sleep is as essential to our health and wellbeing as eating healthily and exercising so, make sure you get the recommended 7-8 hours a night! If you are experiencing sleep troubles, please see our leaflet Self help for sleep troubles on how you can help yourself
  • Stop!  These days we lead have such busy lives that we sometimes forget to slow down and stop.  Find time in your day to just quieten your mind. Mindfulness or yoga might be helpful.
  • Antibiotics - only use them when necessary - overuse of antibiotics increases the incidence of antibiotic resistance, which in the long term is harmful to your health.   See our page on antibiotic overuse for more information.